A Hip-Hop Revelation For The Younger Generation.
Grimmz Fairy Tales puts the rap in Rapunzel, leaves Cinderella hip-hoppin’ in new shoes, gets Snow White slammin’ and Hansel and Gretel jammin’.
This reimagining of classic fairy tales follows Jay and Will Grimmz, the hip-hop, fable, dance-pop sensation brothers. Their modern-day spin on the Grimm Brothers’ 19th-century collection of popular folklore features hits such as “Snow White and the Seven Shawties,” “Rapunzel: Let Down Your Hair,” “Hansel & Gretel: Out in the Streets,” and their first featured “granny-winning” song, “Cinderella Remix,” in their “hip hop revelation for the younger generation. We can't wait for you to see this Drama League Award nominated production "live" here at The Gateway.