Canadian actor and uber geek, Charles Ross, brings his solo madcap creation One-Man Star Wars Trilogy to the stage in this mind-bending whirlwind of a show. Ross retells the classic bad hair trilogy in 75 minutes- no costumes, no props, no sets- all the characters, the music, the ships, and the battles.
If your kid’s name is Chewbacca, this show is a no-brainer. If not, get your nerd on and experience the global sensation loved by audiences from London’s West End, Off-Broadway, Dubai, the Sydney Opera House, Lucasfilm, and Charlie’s mom. The Force is strong with this one.
Content Advisory: May not be suitable for all ages. While there is no official rating system for live theatre, we encourage you to use your judgment based on age, maturity level, and subject matter.
Written and Performed by Charles Ross
Directed by TJ Dawe.
One Man Star Wars Trilogy performed with permission of Lucasfilm Ltd. All ‘Star Wars’ elements property of Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.
Learn More...
One Man Star Wars Trilogy Official Site